The most important aspect of swimming for kids is confidence building. The children will first be introduced to a variety of basic exercises such as rhythmic breathing, breath controlling, floating, gliding etc. then they will move into the stroke phrase where they will learn how to kick, pull and finally coordinate the entire stroke.
They will be taught the breaststroke first because it's easier for them to master it and the breaststroke will facilitate the learning of treading water at a later stage. Thereafter, they will be given exercises/drills to build up their swimming stamina. They will start learning the front crawl (a.k.a. freestyle) once they have completed learning the breaststroke and attained their Bronze Award.
Children with fear of water (aquaphobia) may need individual coaching for the initial stages. Refer to fees structure lessons types.
(Equipment needed: kickboard and goggles)
Vacancies of our swimming classes are based on a first-come-first-serve basis and subject to the instructor's availability. We apologize if we are unable to accommodate you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
There are primarily two types of adults swimming learners:
Non-swimmers -
Non-swimmers will be taught the breaststroke first as they float better in that body position. They will be introduced to a range of basic activities such as floating (front and back), gliding, proper breathing techniques, etc. before they move on to the stroke proper. It will take about 12 lessons* for a non-swimmer to learn the breaststroke.
(Equipment needed: kickboard and goggles)
Swimmers who wants to improve their stokes or learn new ones:
Swimmers in this category can look forward to learning new strokes such as the front crawl (a.k.a. freestyle). They will also be corrected on their existing strokes so that they may swim efficiently and effortlessly. They will be taught to swim with minimum effort to obtain maximum propulsion. This will definitely make swimming more enjoyable! Such training can also help those who are preparing for biathlons/triathlons.
(Equipment needed: kickboard and goggles)
For those who appreciates privacy, personalised and private/small swimming classes are also available. Please refer to fees structure lessons types.
Vacancies of our swimming classes are based on a first-come-first-serve basis and subject to the instructor's availability. We apologize if we are unable to accommodate you.
(*time length is an estimate. Subjects to physical and learning conditions of swimmer.)